Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Victoria's Secret

Guess what is on tonight on CBS? You guessed right...Victoria's Secret Fashion Show!

Katy Perry and Akon performing for the big show

Brazilian Model Adriana Lima to wear the Million Dollar Bra

Behind the scene shots...

Finale shot of all the girls!

Enjoy the show! It's sure to be quite entertaining :) Not to mention the 
beautiful hair walking down the runway!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Wow. Happy Holidays!

I can not believe Wednesday is the first day of December! Is it me or do the years just keep getting faster and faster? Are you ready??? Do you have all your decorations up? We have already had a little snow (and ice) this year and I am almost done with my Christmas shopping! You gotta love the internet :) Black Friday was in full swing! So many people and holiday shoppers in the city for the parade and the tree lighting in Westlake Center! It felt like Times Square in New York :) If that doesn't get you in the Holiday spirit, I don't know what will :)

I was just sitting here planning out the new year for our Creative Team and I swear 2011 is already full :) I am beginning to wonder if I will be able to take a vacation next year...Time will tell. (don't worry Mom!!! I'm working on it! :)

This past Saturday, I had the pleasure of doing all the wedding hair for my client's wedding party, Kristin Harbert! I could not have been more excited and elated to be a part of such a beautiful ceremony. I would show you pictures, however, my camera is on the fritz. Need to get that fixed ASAP! Take my word that the bride and all her bridesmaids were unbelievably beautiful! Congrats Kristin and Christopher! You guys make a beautiful and wonderful couple. I wish you nothing but an abundance of love, happiness and prosperity in the many years to come.


"Wet to Dry" Flat Iron Review!

Hot Stylers Wet to Dry Styling Iron
I purchased this flat iron for $39.99 at Winners, however because Winners is a discount store, this isn't a reliable price point for you. You can visit the HS website for more info.

Product Description:

The Wet to Dry Flat Iron has 1 1/2” ceramic plates that emit negative ions to seal moisture in. An advanced far-infrared ceramic heater for gentle penetrating heat, and special channels and sixteen plate vents allow steam to quickly disperse. It also has temperature settings from 140° F to 392° F (80° C to 200° C)
Product Features:• 160 watts• Lightweight – only 12 ounces!• Insulated fingertip pads for greater styling control• One year limited warranty

I really like the look and feel of this iron. The larger plates make it faster and easier to straighten a larger amount of hair, and it's comfortable in the hands. It heats up fast, with orange lights that let you know it's on, and when it's reached the right heat.

Here are the products I used to aid in the straightening process:

Pantene Pro-V Curls to Straight Shampoo and Conditioner
My hair isn't exactly curly, but it definitely has a wave to it. This shampoo's main goal is to loosen the curls in the hair, and prepare it for straightening. It worked amazing on my hair, I think I am going to do a review on this too. If you have wavy hair, I'm sure this curly to straight shampoo will aid in smoothing and getting the hair better ready for the straightening process.

Joico K-Pak Style Smoothing Balm
To Straighten and Protect

After washing my hair I applied this straightening balm to further aid in the styling. It helped a lot.

Ready for Straightening:
I sectioned my hair using a large clip and, starting on the bottom section, began to straighten the damp hair. (NOTE: My hair was about 40% dry when I began straightening it - more damp than wet. I had applied my makeup, which took ten minutes before straightening.) I created a slight curl on the ends of my hair by turning the iron inwards slightly at the bottom.



I loved it!

I was actually very surprised by how well this product worked. I was indeed very skeptical, but it made my hair shiny, smooth, and silky, and looked even better than when I blow dry it.

-Works great at producing shiny, sleek, straight hair
-Faster than blow drying and straightening, cutting your time in half
-reasonable price
-Style locks in, and lasts all day
-Makes a slightly discomforting "sizzling" sound as it straightens the hair

So yes, it does make a sizzling sound as it straightens your hair, which can worry some. This isn't "burning" you hair - it's simply the heat reacting with the water and styling cream, much like how a hot pan will sizzle when placed in water.

There are mixed reviews on whether this type of straightening appliance is safe for you hair. Hair is weaker when it's wet, and some argue that using this straightener may damage the follicle over time. I personally think that the amount of damage caused to the hair cannot be much worse than blow drying beforehand and then straightening. The difference is that this way saves time. ( I HATE blow drying my hair).

Like any product still relatively new to the market, you need to use care and caution - I wouldn't use this product every day, but then again, I don't blow dry my hair every day. Just use common sense. For the days when I fancy a smooth blowout, I will use this product. I will do a follow up review after a few months to let you know how my hair has fared.

I rate it 5/5.

Have you used a wet to dry iron?

What did you think?

Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments =)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Eighties Comeback???

All I have to say is that if the hairstyles of the 80's decide to make a comeback, then I hope they look like this...

Flash Dance Style

Eniko Mihalik by Nico for Harper’s Bazaar Spain October 2010
Lily Cole by Andreas Sjödin for Vogue Nippon January 2007

I might have to brush up on my perming techniques...It's only been about 13 years since I have rolled a perm...hmmmm.

"There's nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein."
~Walter Wellesley "Red" Smith

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Bonjour Poupees..

Bare with my as I overhaul my blog - nothing too major, but I will be playing around with different banners and layouts in the next little while. =)

I also want to streamline my blog a little more, cause right now I feel like I'm all over the map. It's not a big deal, blogging should be enjoyable, but it feels chaotic when I look at it, and I want to develop more of a consitent theme. More makeup looks, outfits and a sprinkling of life posts.

Signed up for my next batch of courses yesterday --- eeeeek ..... Finance, Business Law, and HR Management. Hopefully I can manage it all with full time work as well!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the states! I hope everyone has a wonderful day with friends and family. Thanksgiving is always one of my favorite holidays. A day of friends, family, rest, food and more food :)

I am so thankful for the many people who make my life much brighter and a heck of a lot of fun! Thank you family, friends and clients. My life wouldn't be as amazing without you! Thank you to those who read this blog. It means a lot to me. Much love and happiness to you all!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Pretty Ladies

Fave Brunette:
{Cheryl Cole}

Fave Blonde:
{AnnaLynne Mccord}

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

American Music Awards 2010

I will start with the worst of the evening. Hands down Ke$ha has my vote for, "WHAT the heck were you thinking!!!!"  While I do love watching celebrities push the envelope with wardrobe and makeup, this was just a big fat FAIL! Better luck next year...

Always saving best for last is....(drumroll).......

I can't even believe my fingers are going to type this person's name.....

This performer has the same first name as my favorite brother......

Taylor Swift! OMG...Doesn't she look amazing! I can't believe my eyeballs...

I love the color and the cut...very grown up.
Way to go Taylor, on the new look. It suits you well!
I hope that everyone has a great Thanksgiving eve and enjoy the feast with family and friends! :)


My Imperfections and Perfections!

Hi, Friends.
I'm sure you've seen the tag going around whereby you list off three things you DON'T like about yourself, and three things you LOVE about yourself. I thought I'd like to get in on the fun. I think it's great to show other people that everyone has flaws and insecurities, (even me with my airbrushed pics), but what you love about yourself will always outshine the negatives you think others see.

So, let's get right to it. Keep in mind this is all appearance based: (I may do a personality version at a later date!)

Three Things I don't like about myself:

1. My Chin
Or just my general face shape. My jaw line is super strong, and I have a high forehead. I can definitely look funky if I'm not careful.

2. My Skin
Super sensitive and needs prescribed dermatologist treatment. And even then, I can suffer a breakout more often than not

3.My torso
It's soooo long. I can look delicate and slender but a lot of the time my shirts don't come down enough to cover my bellyyy :(

Ok, enough bad stuff. We all know the good stuff is what REALLY counts, right?

1. MY EYES =)
Yes, I am in love with my eyes. I love the shape (large and almond), color (light hazel with golden ring), and how they have perfect 20/20 vision. (knock on wood) You know how everyone has ONE STAPLE that they are most consistently complimented on? For me it's always been my peepers =)

They're really slender, delicate, and girly! I'm a 4 ring size and love it. I'd hate to have big old sausages attached to ma' hands.

They have some nice cupid bow action going on, and I've been told they're incredibly soft. I also like that they're both around the same size, and that my top one doesn't disappear when I smile to reveal just teeth and gums. =P

So there you go!

I hope you found this post interesting, and I encourage you to do it yourself!

Book Recomendation

The Ascent Of Money

I recently bought this book and haven't even finished half of it yet, but I already need to recomend it.

Bread, cash, dosh, dough, loot, lucre, moolah, readies, the wherewithal: Call it what you like, it matters. To Christians, love of it is the root of all evil. To generals, it's the sinews of war. To revolutionaries, it's the chains of labor. But in The Ascent of Money, Niall Ferguson shows that finance is in fact the foundation of human progress. What's more, he reveals financial history as the essential backstory behind all history.
Through Ferguson's expert lens familiar historical landmarks appear in a new and sharper financial focus. Suddenly, the civilization of the Renaissance looks very different: a boom in the market for art and architecture made possible when Italian bankers adopted Arabic mathematics. The rise of the Dutch republic is reinterpreted as the triumph of the world's first modern bond market over insolvent Habsburg absolutism. And the origins of the French Revolution are traced back to a stock market bubble caused by a convicted Scot murderer.
With the clarity and verve for which he is known, Ferguson elucidates key financial institutions and concepts by showing where they came from. What is money? What do banks do? What's the difference between a stock and a bond? Why buy insurance or real estate? And what exactly does a hedge fund do?
This is history for the present. Ferguson travels to post-Katrina New Orleans to ask why the free market can't provide adequate protection against catastrophe. He delves into the origins of the subprime mortgage crisis.
Perhaps most important, The Ascent of Money documents how a new financial revolution is propelling the world's biggest countries, India and China, from poverty to wealth in the space of a single generation--an economic transformation unprecedented in human history.
Yet the central lesson of the financial history is that sooner or later every bubble bursts--sooner or later the bearish sellers outnumber the bullish buyers, sooner or later greed flips into fear. And that's why, whether you're scraping by or rolling in it, there's never been a better time to understand the ascent of money.

I couldn't put it down, last weekend. Even if you have absoulutely no interest in finance (I'm not huge into it) I think it can offer interest to everyone.


My soapmaking book also came in the mail today!

I got it delivered to my office from Amazon, in what must have been the fastest international order ever. I ordered it on Monday and wasn't expecting it til late next week, but our work's delivery guy dropped it on my desk this morning @ 10am. What a nice surprise!
I've recently beccome really interested in homemade bath & body products and am wanting to learn as much as I can=) So I figured this classic soapmaking book would be a good place to start. Last weekend I whipped up some home made body lotion with all natural ingredients from a local supplier, and it turned out sooo softening and yummy smelling! I also got ingredients to make four bath bombs, we'll see how that goes this weekend.

DIY Lip Scrub!

Has the influx of bitter winter weather left your lips dry and chapped like it has mine?

If so, you could really benefit from this simple, fast, homemade lip scrub that will smooth your lips and get them kissabley soft.

You'll Need:

-2 tablespoons honey

-1 tablespoon sugar (I used Splenda as it was all I had)

-half a teaspoon of Vaseline

-oyster dish or some other small container to mix everything up!

)Squirt the half teaspoon of vaseline into the dish. As you'll see from the below pics, I've mixed a bit more than this recipe will make. If you want more, just increase your ratio =)

Time to add the sugar!:And honey ... :Now mix until you have a consistent, grainy substance. It won't take long =) Pour into an old lip balm container. Mine's an old Body Shop oneFinished!I've been having fun making my own lotions and potions at home as of late, here is a pic of my messy kitchen on Saturday night:

Hope you are having a good week!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Super excited to see this new Disney movie. It's been awhile since they've put out a more girly animation, and I'm all about the girly cartoons =)

I think the last girlie one was Princess and The Frog, but correct me if I'm wrong.

On Friday me and Ryan are going to go see it, and before have dinner.

I want to have a nice big tangley bowl of pasta before we go and see Tangled.

Angel Hair or Spagettini Pasta .. either will do!

Ummm ...

I was bored and decided to check my spam trap today for my blog and came across this little slice:

Hi all, I've finally settle down with a theme(there's more to do and customize) and also done my homework. Tell me what do you think, bigger penis Dot Com. I'm not sure you guys can add a comment about the products? We can help out each another commenting on it? I'm not sure. Of course not about products review but tips, fashion, coupon and lots more. Any idea? Thanks!
By Anonymous on
Singin' The Winter Blues on 18/11/10

I can't wait to share tips and fashion advise for bigger ding dongs.

Serisouly these computer generated comments are completely bizarre and have horrible English.

I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or throw up, but thought I would share it with you lovelies=)

Hope your week has started off making more sense than mine ...

Ombre Hair Color

Ombre is a French term meaning "two toned".  Ombre hair is the look you get when you normally color your hair but do not go for regular touch ups. This is what naturally happens to kids during the summer months when their hair gets lighter from the sun and then fall and winter come along, leaving the kids with two toned hair. Lighter on the ends and darker at the roots. Having this technique done on your hair, is being happy and proud of your natural hair color. To sum Ombre up, I think it was Sarah Jessica Parker who coined the phase "Poverty Roots".

Ombre hair is the more extreme version of a close relative of another french technique called Balayage. Defintion: A free style technique of  painting highlights onto the hair. Balayage is meant to give your hair the sun kissed summer version of your natural hair color. Both of these techniques tend to work better on women who have little to no gray in their natural hair color. They can also be done over a all over color, but make sure you hair is in good health before jumping right in. Both blondes and brunettes can pull off either of these looks. But I have to say that too dark of a brunette might get a little warmer than one is hoping for.

Ombre Examples
Ashley Simpson

Drew Barrymore

Much lighter ends

Great with long wavy locks

Balayage grown out

Extreme creative version of the Ombre technique

Balayage Examples

SJP sporting Balayage

Gisselle, the model who put Balayage on the map!

Tastefully executed sun kissed Balayage

Even though these trends are usually seen around in the spring and summer, sometimes you just need a little pick me up for the winter blues. Have fun exploring these two creative techniques.
