1. I like a lot of the Jonas Brothers songs (not kidding) .. I even saw their 3-D concert at the movies
2. I wish I was an award winning Hollywood actress
3. I have a cat named BB who I LOVE, but who always hides under my bed :(
4. I'm the ONLY candadian in my whole family (extended and immediate) and feel pretty unique because of it. Everyone else is British
5.I really want the desire to learn how to cook ...but haven't gotten it yet
6. I LOVE cleaning, I could do it all day. I love the smell of windex and bleach
7. I'm really afraid of heights
8.I met my bf on the ctrain. He started talking to me and we have continued talking every single day since then for the last nine months ... 9. I love posing for pictures and take lots of myself
10. I love running
11. I like writing poems, but feel dejected when I think of the potential market there is for my talent
12. I have changed A LOT since I was in high school
13. I could live on sushi, and volcano rolls are my favorite!
14. diet coke is my fave non-alcoholic drink, after coffee
15.I am not religious, but live by the law of attraction and karma
16. I stopped tanning because I'm scared of skin cancer; but I miss being dark :(
17.I find it hard to trust most people, which I don't neccesarily think is a bad thing
18. I have very few true friends, but the ones I do have more than make up for that
19.I am painfuly shy until I warm up to someone, I just can't help it
20. I can come off as a bitch when I'm irritated with certain situations
21. I love driving around aimlessly listening to music
22. sometimes all I need is to be alone with myself.
23. I recently moved out all alone and am so far loving it
24. Jane Lynch is my favorite actress, I think she is the funniest thing since Chris Farley
25. I love sleeping, and I'm pretty damn good at it!!
Nice to meet you, Friend!