Sorry for being a bit evasive this last week.
Been pretty preoccupied with weddings/schoolwork/thinking about moving, etc.
Been pretty preoccupied with weddings/schoolwork/thinking about moving, etc.
Well, the good news is, I got an A on my last course I'm taking, Computer Fundamentals. I was super happy, because this was the "monkey on my back" course. It wasn't hard at all, but I just wasn't motivated by it. I love when your mark comes back ten times better than you thought it would.
We've been running around meeting vendors for the wedding. On Friday we drove out to the middle of nowhere (outside the city limits) to meet with a DJ. This Thurs. we are meeting with a photogrpaher. And I just remembered we need to get wedding insurance and a liquor liscence for the big day *sigh*. So many things. Well we are having the wedding at Ryan's parents acreage outside the city, so we need to get these things. I also have to rent bathrooms. Yup. If 90 + people use the washrooms in the house, the system will back up. So I need washrooms outside the wedding tent. But I don't want the neon blue and yellow things you see on construction sites ... the horror! So I have to rent trailers that come with actual flushable toilets, with mirrors, vanities, etc.
So many little things that go the wedding ... it better be worth it!! hahahah of course it will.
And then there's the moving. To make a long story short, we spend 1.5 hours in a car each day to get to and from work. This translates into two weeks a year we are spent stuck in a car in shitty traffic. It SUCKS. In the morning I don't mind, I just turn on the heated seats, cozy up, and fall asleep while Ryan drives us into work. But on the way home, when all I want to do is eat, go the gym, sleep, etc., it sucks having it take so long. Oh ya, and the cost. We are spending $6,000 a year, just to get to work. Parking, gas, etc. Yup, 6 gs. Ahhhhhhh !!!!
So Ryan is looking at condos downtown. The one we REALLY like is a five minute walk from my building .. it has a jacuzzi, pool, balcony off the master and living room .. so perfect. I wish we could move in right away. But ... Oh ya, that thing called MY CONDO that we have to sell first. Which I don't want to even think about right now. I hate selling/buynig places, it's such a stressful hassle. But it has to be done, cause that 1.5 hour commute is going to turn into 2.5 once the snow and ice start a 'comin.
It's really not that bad, don't mind my negative wining .. Oooh speaking of wine .. I had a fabulous time this weekend with wine and my new books.
My LC books came in the mail. I love the LA Candy series. I think it's meant for teenagers, but I can't but the damn things down.
Sugar and Spice - the third and final book in the series. I love the drama in this series. I get my fill of drama ficticiously, that way I don't need any in my real life =) I don't know how much actual control Lauren had in penning this series, whether her name was just slapped on the cover of someone else's idea, or if she actually thought the whole thing through. My guess is a combo of the two. Regardless I'm addicted.

Her Style book is pretty decent too. I like her classic style. She doesn't take as many risks as I'd like, or that I see in other fashionistas, but the book is great for a young girl trying to develop and build a stylish wardrobe.
It inspired me to edit my closet. This weekend I'm going to go through all of my shyte and get rid of most of it, I'm sure. I just have too much junk in there. Things that don't even have a hanger are all clumped together, and poor Ryan, he's resorted to shoving some of his clothes under the bed as there's no room.
Yep, definitely need to move soon!
Have a great week!
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