I'm determined to finish this little challenge, mainly because I strongly dislike starting something only to let it fall to wayside and never be thought of again. But also because I haven't had time to put any review/outfit/face posts together, and this will help me get my blog mojo back!
I guess technically it's kind of cheating since I'm packaging days 15-25 all up together in one post, but cest la vie!
Earliest Memory:
Running from the dining room to living room (they were connected) in the house I grew up in, while my mom tried to catch me in her arms. It was a game I'd play with her, she'd pretend to almost swoop her arms down and catch me, and I'd have to be fast so she wouldn't.
Running from the dining room to living room (they were connected) in the house I grew up in, while my mom tried to catch me in her arms. It was a game I'd play with her, she'd pretend to almost swoop her arms down and catch me, and I'd have to be fast so she wouldn't.
Favorite Tumblrs:
I don't follow Tumblrs. Really, I'm not as socially plugged in as it appears; this blog is really my only spot on the web that's consistently updated - I don't Twitter (tried twice but got bored), and haven't uploaded any new facebook photo albums in over a year.
I don't follow Tumblrs. Really, I'm not as socially plugged in as it appears; this blog is really my only spot on the web that's consistently updated - I don't Twitter (tried twice but got bored), and haven't uploaded any new facebook photo albums in over a year.
Views on Mainstream Music:
I'm pretty into mainstream - it might not be cool or hip or unique enough, but I LOVE Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, etc. The most I lean towards non-mainstream would be Tiesto, Van Burren, Kaskade, Guetta, but even those would be considered mainstream nowadays. I don't like any straight rap or country, they're both equally annoying to me. I love classical - Hans Zimmer scores and classical piano are heaven to me.
Highs and Lows of Past Year (Since February 2010)
Highs: trips to Mexico and Seattle, getting new car
Lows: Mom diagnosed with cancer
My Beliefs:
I believe in equal rights for gay/lesbian/bisexual, I believe children should be truly wanted, loved and planned for before they are brought into the world
Disrespecting Parents:
Never. But respect is a two way street, and parents need to show respect and love as well. I'm friends with my parents; they don't talk down to me, they talk across as a friend would. They give me freedom to make my own choices without constantly throwing their $0.02 in and in turn I love spending time with them.
How Important I think Education is:
It's outrageously expensive and way longer than it should be; you have to take some dumb courses that are 500 bucks each just so you can get the degree you want, which is a serious flaw of the system in my opinion. This aside, you need education more times than not to get ahead in the world we've created, so for that fact alone, I believe education to be of utmost importance. That's not to say you can't get ahead without it, but having it makes it that much easier. The world needs uneducated people to function smoothly too; all the academics of the world would be shit out of luck without cab drivers, Barristas, (and bar tenders!). My advice is find your passion and what you love doing and go with it, regardless of the letters it will put behind your name. (if any) Don't get a degree just for the sake of having one, but know that having one will almost certainly allow more doors to open for you.
One of My Favorite Shows:
I could never pick one. I love Four Weddings, Toddlers & Tiaras, Big Bang, Two and a Half Men, and any of Gordon Ramsey's shows.
How Have I changed in the Last 2 years?
Physically: from bleach blond to my natural hair color, gained some healthy weight, (was too thing b4), longer hair
Emotionally: happier, more grounded
Give Pictures of Five Guys Who Are Famous I Find Attractive
I can only think of 3:

^Just Straight up GQ SEXXXY (The Balester)
Give Pictures of Five Guys Who Are Famous I Find Attractive
I can only think of 3:

^Just Straight up GQ SEXXXY (The Balester)
^Too young but still hot (Tay Lautner)
^Unique and hot. (Cam Giganet)
Favorite Movie and What it's About:
Revolutionary Road - it's about the extreme ups and downs of a couple who live on Revolutionary Road.
Someone Who Fascinates Me and Why:
Anyone who's overcome great struggle to achieve great success. People who have "made it on their own"
Hope you all have a splendid weekend, and thanks for reading these little thoughts of mine.
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