Monday, May 31, 2010
Mini MAC Haul
Saturday, May 29, 2010
OOTD - Sweetheart & Leggings

I'm dying to get out and check MAC's To The Beach line before it's all sold out, but so much to do. (somehow I fit in blogging though.) Just heading to the gym now. Seeing Sex and the City 2 tonight which I can't wait for!
Thanks for reading.
p.s. my daytime computer still has that funny glitch where I can't comment on anyone's blog unless their comments are in the pop up box. Sorry if you haven't heard from me in awhile! I'll try my best to comment on my other computer in the evenings.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Crosses & Baths & Chocolates, Oh My
Ok, so not TRUE blue rosaries, but close enough, right? I got these beauts at F21.
Sorry for the crappo lighting ... it was late.
It's sooo rainy and cold here today, and I can't wait to have a bath tonight and just read my book.
My sis came home from Belgium today (we picked her up from the airport) and brought me back these to die for authentic chocos ... OMG I love chocolate .. thinking of making a trip to Belgium myself and developing my own stock pile ...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Ask Me Anything!

First things First ..
2.Where do you work?
6.How many siblings do you have?
Saturday, May 22, 2010
FOTD - Glamour Model

Friday, May 21, 2010
Shopping Trip
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Picnic In The Park

*blanket to sit on
*blanket to snuggle under if it gets chilly
*a wicker picnic basket with:
- brie cheese and crackers
-jalapeno jelly to put on the crackers
-shrimp with dipping sauce
*A giant bottle of wine or champagne (or both)
*strawberries & cream (or chocolate sauce)
*an ipod with some soft romantic music
*a book for each of us to read
*a camera
I'm excited for this and will post pics of it. (Providing the weather holds out).