My blackberry, sunglasses, and wallet. That's usually it! (Of course I carry all of this in my purse, but that's a given)
2. Favorite brand(s) of makeup:
Mac for anything skin related, and a vareity of drug store brands for pretty much everything else. Loreal Voluminous mascara has been a long time fave of mine.
3. Favorite flower:
It's a toss-up between gerber daisies and daffodils

4. Favorite clothing store:
Bebe. It seems like their clothes were tailor made for my body. I feel lucky! I love the fit of their dresses, and their over all vision - girly yet sophisticated.
5. Favorite perfume:
Givenchy Hot Couture used to be my go-to secret weapon, but I'm leaning more towards flowery scents now. Marc Jacobs Daisy, and the more affordable classic, Bath & Bodyworks Sweet Pea.

6. Heels or flats:
Heels when you need to make an impression or when the outfit otherwise calls for it. Other than that, it's flats all the way!
7. Do you make good grades:
When I'm in school, yes.
8. Favorite colors:
Absolutey white, yellow comes in a close second
9. Do you drink energy drinks:
On Thursday evenings, before I head to my second job straight from my first, or on mornings after indulging in some red wine the night before=)
10. Do you drink juice?
Cranberry Juice is my friend. Very good at keeping your system clean and healthy
11. Do you like swimming?
Yes, but unfortunately public pools are really off-putting to me, which is a shame because swimming is such a good work-out. I prefer the ocean.
12. Do you eat fries with a fork?
Nope, I pick them straight up with my fingers
13. Favorite moisturizer:
For face: Jergens gradual tan moisturizer with spf; For body: Jaqua Buttercream Frosting

14. Do you want to get married later on in life?
Yes, I'm very traditional, and am looking forward to marrying my one true love
15. Do you get mad easily?
I used to, but I think I have come a long way with figuring out what's worth getting your emotions tied up in
16. Are you into ghost-hunting?
I went on a full-fledged "Ghost Hunt" in Darbyshire Englad a couple of years ago, so I guess this would be yes? It was an eerie experience I could tell you stories about ..
17. Any phobias?
What defines a phobia? A life crippling fear of something? I'm not scared of anything to that point, but spiders, mice, moths, and mould give me serious heebs.
18. Do you bite your nails?
19. Have you ever had a near death experience?
No, thank God!
20. Do you drink coffee?
My morning coffee is the best moment of the day=)
1. What is your favorite item of clothing?
My black and white Coach scarf, because it can effortlessly pull any outfit together, and my beaten up men's black Diesel hoodie. I pretty much live in it when I'm not working.
2. What are your biggest obsessions?
Coffee, diet coke, sushi, and gum
3.Who inspires you?
I can't think of a particular person who inspires me. I'm inspired in so many differnt ways by many differnt events, places and people.
4.Who is your favorite designer?
I really like Valentino. His dresses are so feminine and romantic. I wouldn't know how they fit, though =) (yet)
5. What is your favorite song ever?
"Everything" by Lighthouse
6. What is your favorite song right now?
Anything by Kaskade can generally put me in a good mood
7. If you were a sweetie, what would you be?
A sour soother

8. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. What words would describe your rainbow?
Strong willed, sensitvie, romantic, traditional, compassionate, understanding.
9. What are your favorite films?
Memoirs of a Geisha, Revolutionary Road, The Curious Case of Benjiman Button, The Little Mermaid, to name a few
10. Who is your favorite actor?
Leonardo Dicapprio, for his unmatched talent

11. If you could be anywhere in the world, where would you be?
A log cabin in the rockies with a wood burning fireplace, hot chocolate, my significant other, and my kitty.
12. What are your 3 favorite smells?
Fresh laundry, banana bread in the oven, and currently Sweet Pea from Bath & Bodyworks
13. What are your 3 favorite tastes?
Cilantro, soy sauce with a hint of wasabe, and peanut butter
14. What is your most treasured possession?
A white party dress that my parents baught for me as a little girl. I felt like a princess whenever I put it on. It hangs in my closet to this day .. that and my laptop
15. What did you always want to be when you grew up?
Someone famous! A rockstar, an actress, it didn't really matter
16. If you were an ice-cream flavor, what would you be?

17. If someone made a short film about your life, who would play you?
Kate Winslet, 100%
18. What would your perfect afternoon consist of?
Clothes shopping on Rodeo Drive with no limits spending. And then grabbing lunch with a friend.
19. If you were a flower, what would you be?
A daffodil - elegant, yet warm and happy looking.

20. Tell me one random thing... be it your favorite line from a song, scene from a movie, or quote from a book... or tell me something you love.
"It's a beautiful day; don't let it get away" - U2 song lyric