For the longest time, I never fancied Miss Aniston. As with most other played-out Hollywood "mega stars", I had resigned to run against the crowd and told myself "she's nothing special". I didn't even find "Friends" funny until about three years ago when I started watching re-runs. I found her overall look to be well, medicore at the best of times.
Then I watched "The Breakup" with Vince Vaughn. The storyline was okay, but what really caught my attention was the award winning performance Jenn gave. There is one scene when she is balling in the bedroom after Vince stands her up at the concert, and I just thought "holy shit, this girl can ACT!!!" In my opinion she is far more talented than Angelina Jolie. Am I just saying that as Angie is now THE woman of the moment? I really don't think so... Jennifer is simply more gifted in the acting department.
I also always seem to admire someone more when they are able to rise from adversity. Having your husband leave you for a younger, "prettier", more successful woman while the whole world watches on in absolute enchantment must really, really suck. But through it all she has remained a complete class act, someone to be admired and looked up to. I love you, Jenn!!

Kate Winslet
Do I really need to write a paragraph on why Kate Winslet is my #1 favorite actress in the entire world? No, but I will anyway. She's a true thespian (that word used to freak me out a little, it sounded sexual and deviant and wrong, kind of like pianist .. I know .. I'm weird) in every sense of the word. She doesn't act, she becomes. She doesn't pretend, she is. She's so classically beautiful and natural, and I love every piece of her work that I've seen so far. You know when an actress is cast next to Leonardo DiCaprio and still outshines him talent wise, the girl's got game. Case in point - Revolutionary Road, directed by Sam Mendes. Watch it! Story line is a little off the beaten path (it's based on a novel), but no one can deny the tremendous acting and direction.
What about you? Who are your favorite actors/actresses of all time?
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