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Friday, June 10, 2011

Outfit - Off the Shoulder Yellow

I actually bought this shirt at Sirens about 4 years ago, (when I used to shop there), but I still love it for summer. It hangs beautifully and looks great when paired with darker bottoms.

I'm back after two weeks of not posting ... yeeks; have to catch up on all my blogs for sure!
As you guessed, been super busy with the "wedding" .. haha, I'm sure people are sick of me talking about it NON-STOP, but that's what happens when it's a month and half away!

I've gotten all my invites out, and can't wait for the RSVPs to start trickling in! So many appointments for things coming up; plus I have a Microeconomics exam a week before the wedding - fun! Here's the blog I had to make for the course - it's pretty bad on my part, but I just can't find the time to give it my all.
Anyone studied Economics in school? I really liked micro at the begining of the course, I found it SO facsinating, but now it's getting challenging! Normally I love a challenge but with being so busy I don't have time to sit down and really try to learn the stuff. I didn't realize how much math and graphs are involved, all of the curves are the same to me! I know I'll pass, but it won't be with an A or B, that's for sure!

Anyways, this was kind of a jumbled up post, but hope you have a good weekend!
I'm hitting the driving range tonight, and hope to see a movie sometime this weekend. Spending time with my dad on Sun for Father's Day, and have Monday off, so looking forward to that!

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