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Thursday, June 16, 2011

gop debate may 5

images It may well go down as one of gop debate may 5. May 6, 2011
  • May 6, 2011

  • centaur
    08-15 05:34 PM
    I think its not going to budge after this for 3 months or so, till they calculate all the applications received and do the math. Hopefully it will move forwards then, however (less likely) it can move backwards too ( I have seen strangest patterns with the bulletins)

    wallpaper May 6, 2011 gop debate may 5. Ron Paul may be a long-shot
  • Ron Paul may be a long-shot

  • vdlrao
    07-18 11:44 PM
    Hi Gurus,

    My PD is Dec06 EB2, do you have any guess when I will be current.


    Assuming you are EB2 India with PD Dec 2006

    Best case your case will be current : 4 months
    Worst Case your case will be current : 12 months, but not more than that.

    gop debate may 5. But as a scheduled May 5
  • But as a scheduled May 5

  • belmontboy
    01-16 03:38 PM
    Every profession has its own set of problems, like ours.

    In addition to issues at profession, we also carry the GC burden

    As buddha said "desire is root of all evil". In pursuit of wealth, fame, good life!, we forget to live our life.

    If you are looking for peaceful job in this current economic scenario, i don't think there is any.
    I sometimes wish childhood had lasted my entire life.

    2011 Ron Paul may be a long-shot gop debate may 5. MAY 5 SOUTH CAROLINA GOP

  • sunty
    11-11 12:33 PM
    In addition to sending the letter, we may try this avenue as well (look at the page bottom)

    How to Contact Us (http://travel.state.gov/about/info/info_308.html)

    "For immigrant visa inquiries, call the National Visa Center at 603-334-0700 or
    email: NVCINQUIRY@state.gov"

    Any idea if these is the correct number to call ?

    Maybe inundating them with calls might help us reach Mr. Charles Oppenheim office and get some explaination about the visa allocation process.

    I tried calling, but today is a Federal Holiday. Will try again tomorrow.


    gop debate may 5. But whether this debate helped
  • But whether this debate helped

  • ak27
    01-03 11:35 AM
    Hello Everyone,
    Wish all of you very happy new year. So far, we have only six members on group. If I may have missed anyone, please send me an email ajay1857@gmail.com.

    NJ chapter must be largest... Let us make it..

    Thank you..

    gop debate may 5. May 2, 2011
  • May 2, 2011

  • arnab221
    09-10 05:15 PM
    Are they back yet . The link is not working any more .


    gop debate may 5. Republican debate liveblog
  • Republican debate liveblog

  • Munna Bhai
    09-19 06:14 AM
    Thank you IV and all volunteers that made this rally happen. It was very well organized and I really enjoyed being part of it!!
    I really liked Murthy's speech. Short and to the point. "Legal" is the key.
    I also liked Mark's little comedy act.

    (Wish more would have shown up to show their support, but I guess some people are content waiting 10 or more years for their GC.)

    Suggestions for improvement to next time:

    1. I liked that the Chinese group joined the rally, but I didn't like their speaker. He was only talking about Chinese and Indian joining forces, and then making some kind of joke about IC chips are only made by Indians and Chinese. It's ok if you want to be an Indian/Chinese-only group, it is your choice. But if you want to change something about your green cards, you will fail with that attitude. You need to attract and change things for EVERYONE, or no one will listen to you. (If you want IV to be for everyone, IV needs to be more clear on that. There are so many Indians on the forums that ppl might think it is only for Indians.)

    2. Minor things... Good job on the signs(!), but there were too many of them. Half would be enough. People had trouble focus on them.
    Also, keep the message short. Max a few words. No one can, in a few seconds, read a moving sign containing 4 lines of text with 5 words on each, on an unknown subject. The poor people who tried to read them looked like near-sighted old men. Short and big letters is better. "Shorter wait for legals"
    rather than
    "Reduce the backlog for highly-skilled legal immigrants so we can live the American dream and not wait for 10 years"

    But all in all, I was amazed how well everything was planned. The state flags was a nice touch. Flowers too. Water for the participants. Great! Even the nice DC cops blocking the roads for us seemed very happy with us. Following the law is what legals do...

    This is correct!! I think, too many banners will distract..great feedback

    2010 But as a scheduled May 5 gop debate may 5. It may well go down as one of
  • It may well go down as one of

  • nirenjoshi
    01-18 10:09 AM
    In addition, only 2 out of the 100 pages have any useful content. Most of the posts are attitude problems.
    Just signed up for $20/month..


    gop debate may 5. May 05, 2011 · On the day of
  • May 05, 2011 · On the day of

  • paula
    03-21 05:44 PM

    Labor PD - 6/2/2004
    Labor cleared - February 2007
    485 filed - August 17
    140 cleared - September 2007
    EAD card - November 2007
    AP - December 2007
    485 pending.

    hair MAY 5 SOUTH CAROLINA GOP gop debate may 5. debate on May 5.
  • debate on May 5.

  • willgetgc2005
    04-20 02:37 PM

    If you have contacts in Cisco, Intel etc in bay area , can you please spread the word so morepeople turn out. I am about 8 hours drive form San Jose. will try to make it. This is awesome. We need to get as many people as possible on war footing.

    Maybe no banners or signs because this is a town-hall style meeting and not a rally. I'll let you know if its ok to do that.

    But surely, it would be good if you bring a sign/banner saying "www.immigrationvoice.org" which would help us get more coverage is its caught by the media.


    gop debate may 5. on May 5. The debate
  • on May 5. The debate

  • ramus
    07-03 07:58 AM

    hot But whether this debate helped gop debate may 5. May 5. The debate
  • May 5. The debate

  • SunnySurya
    07-28 11:30 AM
    Sure, I will be. But the question is whether the object is for the human consumption or not . If it is then why not.. Yes, it hurts sentiments but a line has to be drawn between sentiment and rationality.
    Would you be offended if your picture is put on toilet seat??


    house Republican Debate January 24: gop debate may 5. on May 5. The debate
  • on May 5. The debate

  • TomPlate
    10-22 11:22 AM
    So by your theory don't tax the rich at all. That way we will get all the money as wage from the rich. :D LOL. Do you really believe this? How is the trickle down economy working so far? BTW Clinton taxed the rich and the economy grew.

    I mean tax everyone equally. During this tough economy time, consider everyone and not the middle class or upper class or lower class.

    tattoo May 2, 2011 gop debate may 5. GOP prez candidates rip Obama
  • GOP prez candidates rip Obama

  • harish
    05-20 10:30 PM
    Congratulations Harish! Btw, Googler is a her not a his. :)

    Googler -- Thanks a lot! Apologize for the assumption....my mistake!

    Here is a cross-reference to my other post with the case updates...http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/showpost.php?p=249686&postcount=85.


    pictures Republican debate liveblog gop debate may 5. Join Date: May 2007
  • Join Date: May 2007

  • gimme_GC2006
    04-06 11:31 PM
    No no. This is very true. This happened to my friend's friend.

    My friend's friend was visiting my friend and was traveling with his dog. The VO asked my friend's friend what his plan was with the dog. My friend's friend said he was just planning to stay with my friend and take the dog to walk in nearby park where he can poop in the grass and pee on a tire. The VO immediately called my friend and asked if he can take a US dog and have it poop in the park and pee on tire. My friend said yes! And the VO immediately deported my friend's friend along with dog!! :eek: My friend's friend very upset, not in shape to talk about it for 3 months.

    IV should do something about this before too late! ;)
    hahahah...too funny

    dresses May 5. The debate gop debate may 5. early Republican debate at
  • early Republican debate at

  • Imigrait
    01-30 02:39 PM
    It is my fault. I should have explained it better.

    The immigration laws are very confusion. Entry on AP is legal entry and it is ok, but it is not considered as lawful entry for I-485 approval process ONLY. For last lawful entry, USCIS looks for last entry on non-immigrant visa.

    Hope that helps.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin

    I agree with the point above, but does this even apply to CrazyGhoda/OP? Because, he already has I485/AOS pending, which is a legal presence in the US in itself. Hence, I don't see him accruing any "out of status/illegal presence" days. He "MIGHT" have to show a future/current employer who is sponsoring his GC, depending on what his RFE asks for.

    Please comment.


    makeup May 05, 2011 · On the day of gop debate may 5. Republican Debate January 24:
  • Republican Debate January 24:

  • abhijitp
    07-25 05:14 PM
    This is not new but only Lawyers and the employers who filed your GC knows what position and job duties on which they applied your GC.
    Position and job duties on which they applied your GC = whatever they said in your PERM/ labor cert application. If they make a change to that during the I-140 or I-485 stage, that itself will lead to RFE, if not to rejection! Some of us may not have the copy of the labor cert/PERM approval, but if so, one should try to look for the form that you (hopefully) reviewed during the first stage. For PERM this is ETA form 9089.

    girlfriend GOP prez candidates rip Obama gop debate may 5. CA District 23 GOP candidates#39;
  • CA District 23 GOP candidates#39;

  • uma001
    07-29 09:20 AM
    Did the companies ever give in written that our gc will be filed? and H1 extension will be applied? If yes you have a case at hand otherwise frustration

    The issue with not filing green card is ,even if it is written in offer letter..The lawyer can always come and say ' We tried our best to apply for your grene card. But we could not demonstrate that we could not find american citizens with minimum requirements.'
    A promise is a promise whether verbal or written.
    In this matter desi consultancies are far better.

    hairstyles on May 5. The debate gop debate may 5. Group At South Carolina GOP
  • Group At South Carolina GOP

  • go_gc_way
    01-01 10:44 PM
    bump /\/\/\/\/\

    07-12 03:52 PM
    Visa Bulletin for August 2010 (http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/bulletin/bulletin_5092.html)

    09-10 12:50 PM
    Thats what exactly I said


    sorry brother..didn't see your post earlier...but that makes two os us thinking the same way.....I think we should ask for more transprecany from USCIS/DOs on numbers and approvals and all backdoors being closed.

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