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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Life Update

I apologize for the lack of updates, dolls! The past week has been a whirl wind of chaos, in fact I'm quickly writing this in before having to get 3 chapters read of my bus.law text ... bleh, those chapters are seriously NEVER ENDING) Anway, I've been strssing hard lately and felt like I was having a nervous breakdown last night, but I think I'll be ok. To sum it up:

-Conditionally sold place
-Picked out a place we liked...
-Decided not to move, terminated c/s (long story ... you can ask if you're so inclined)
-Wedding coming up in five months, STRESSING
-School work like crazy ... and this semester's courses have been much harder for me
-Sister moved to Vancouver for three months :*(
-Oh and BUSIEST it's ever been at work, srsly, Feb is the month when everything is picking up around here. -Most days are just a blur.

One thing I was happy about though, was seeing how easy it is to sell your own place. I think a lot of people in the real estate industry want to scare people into thinking they aren't capable of making a simple buy/sell transaction. I think realtors are valuable if you dont' have the time to read fine print, do some research, but if you DO have the time, no harm in trying to save yourself a few thousand dollars, right? For your consideration...
Hope you are having a good week!

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